On 12th of April the next stable Release of SQLDEVELOPER is available
Infos about the new Features included.
A lot of Basic Infos about SQLDeveloper can be found by Jeff Smith
On 12th of April the next stable Release of SQLDEVELOPER is available
Infos about the new Features included.
A lot of Basic Infos about SQLDeveloper can be found by Jeff Smith
Since a few days it is possible to download the new SQL Developer 4.2 in the Early Adopter Edition.
Infos about the new features can be found here by ORACLE or by ThatJeffSmith.
Here the list of new features coming from ORACLE:
Sqldeveloper Language
To change the GUI-Language without NLS-Parameters to english add the following lines to
AddVMOption -Duser.language=en
AddVMOption -Duser.country=US
Tested for SQL-Developer 1.5x, 2.1.x, 3.0.x, 3.1.x, 4.0.x, 4.1.0, 4.1.1
Entries in sqldeveloper/ide/bin/ide.conf will also change NLS-Parameter!
SQL Developer Standardpath for open and close file dialog box
It is very time consuming to click a long path to the directory to want to because sql-developer does not save the last path in the open/save-file dialog-box. I didn’t find infos about how and when a favorite-icon appears in the file-dialog.box. A workaround is to use a favorite-icon which appears in the file-dialog-box under the name ‚SQL‘.
This can be done as follows:
German: Menü: [Extras]->[Voreinstellungen]->[Datenbank]->[Arbeitsplatt]
English: Menu: [Tools]->[Preferences]->[Database]->[Worksheet]
here is the formular-field which can bee filled by opening a file-dialog-box to choose a directory.
German: 'Standardpfad zur Suche nach Skripten wählen'
English: 'Select default path to look for scripts'
Please select a directory in the directory you want to be in by opening file save/open – dialog box.
For example:
To open the path: 'C:\sql'
you have to select a directory as for example 'C:\sql\tmp'.
Now you can jump to your needed path by clicking on the ’sql‘-favorite-icon in the open/save-file-box.
Testet with SQL-Developer 3.2.09