SQL Developer Standardpath for open and close file dialog box

SQL Developer Standardpath for open and close file dialog box

It is very time consuming to click a long path to the directory to want to because sql-developer does not save the last path in the open/save-file dialog-box. I didn’t find infos about how and when a favorite-icon appears in the file-dialog.box. A workaround is to use a favorite-icon which appears in the file-dialog-box under the name ‚SQL‘.

This can be done as follows:

German: Menü: [Extras]->[Voreinstellungen]->[Datenbank]->[Arbeitsplatt]
English: Menu: [Tools]->[Preferences]->[Database]->[Worksheet]

here is the formular-field which can bee filled by opening a file-dialog-box to choose a directory.

German: 'Standardpfad zur Suche nach Skripten wählen'
English: 'Select default path to look for scripts'

Please select a directory in the directory you want to be in by opening file save/open – dialog box.

For example:
To open the path: 'C:\sql'
you have to select a directory as for example 'C:\sql\tmp'.

Now you can jump to your needed path by clicking on the ’sql‘-favorite-icon in the open/save-file-box.

Testet with SQL-Developer 3.2.09

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