Sonderzeichen/Special Character in SQL escaping/entwerten
Escaping in a SQL-Statement All Tables starting with ‚T_‘.
select * from user_tables
where table_name like 'T\_%' escape '\';
All tables without underscore (‚_‘)
select * from user_tables
where table_name not like '%\_%' excape '\';
Escaping in a SQL-Plus-Session: All Tables, starting with ‚T_‘.
set escape '\'
select * from user_tables
where table_name like 'T\_%';
Searching in Data-Dictionary-Views for Views user_views, all_views…
select * from user_views
where dbms_xmlgen.getxml
('select text from user_views where view_name = || view_name || ')
like '%w_spci_order_types%'